So far this year has been a rough one. Why not add an episode to the pile? A year of downs, and downs, and hopefully soon, some ups. Ups yours am I right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha TAKE THAT 2024! Wait. Ugh. What is the grammatically correct way to say that. We’ll be right back after we download one of them there grammar apps. Not sponsored. Unless you’re listening, Grammarly.

In part two of our vacationcast series, we are coming at you live to tape/silicone in another Minnesota location. We welcome special guest Henry Benry, our self-proclaimed #1 fan. We take a deep dive into the human body and out again, where Henry attacks Nathan and tries to get us to put this here show on YouTube.

Vacation? You may ask yourself “wait… aren’t they always on vacation with the amount of time between shows?” NO! We are not. But, we are on vacation in this very special episode. You’ll join us as we discuss, in finite detail, the goings-on of our vacation to the North Shore of Minnesota. A cross-country journey? Maybe. Near-death experiences? Probable. Bird calls? Definitely. Not those kinds, we aren’t hunters.